この物語は、世の中を憎む女性の姿を描いたものです。彼女は一人で怒っている。彼女は自分の不幸を世界のせいにする。公の場での故障の後、彼女は目を覚まし、今では自動販売機が大好きになりました。彼女は完璧な自動販売機を見つけるために狩りを開始します。 ビデオはシュールでワイルド
私が手がけた他のプロジェクトへのリンク: https://charleswillmott.weebly.com/music-videos--live-recording.html
Actress for narrative music video. Woman falls in love with a vending machine and goes on a rampage to find it. Filming between 2020/12/28 and 2021/01/10. Only 2 days. Flexible schedule.
The story follows a woman who hates the world. She's alone and angry. She blames the world for her misfortune. After a public breakdown, she wakes up and now loves vending machines. She begins a hunt to find the perfect vending machine. The video is surreal and wild
The music video will be mostly filmed outside, in alley ways and parks. There's one scene inside an apartment. The video's look is inspired by 'Breathless' by Jean-Luc Godard and Daido Moriyama's photos.
I'm looking for an actress with a wide repertoire. She must be able to show various emotions. Crying, Screaming, Anger and happiness. She must be comfortable with acting in public. Very wild.
Unfortunately there is no payment. But I can pay transport and food. Also some free English lessons if you'd like.
Links to other projects I've worked on: https://charleswillmott.weebly.com/music-videos--live-recording.html
Film and music video Director from England.
掲載者 | Doors of Perspective |
担当者 | Charles Willmott |
お問い合せ先 | willmottcharles@gmail.com |
関連URL | https://charleswillmott.weebly.com/ |
その他情報 |