CINEMA PLANNERS > キャスト / 役者募集 > 【急募】はままつ映画祭新人賞監督作 映画『God's Will Hunting』40~50代の外国人男女キャスト募集!3/24東京で撮影 【Urgent Wanted】Hamamatsu Film Festival Newcomer Award Director’s Moive “God’s Will Hunting” Recruitment of male and female casts in their 40s and 50s! Shoot at Tokyo on Mar. 24th and

【急募】はままつ映画祭新人賞監督作 映画『God's Will Hunting』40~50代の外国人男女キャスト募集!3/24東京で撮影 【Urgent Wanted】Hamamatsu Film Festival Newcomer Award Director’s Moive “God’s Will Hunting” Recruitment of male and female casts in their 40s and 50s! Shoot at Tokyo on Mar. 24th and

投稿日時:2020/03/04 20:Mar:th
投稿者:坂本 遼

東京大学大学院工学系研究科修士1年の坂本遼と申します。現在所属する映画制作スピカ1895において、自主映画『God's Will Hunting』を監督・制作しております。今回は主人公(18歳女性)の夢に出てくる両親役を演じてくださる方を募集いたします。

・タイトル:『God's Will Hunting』





① 氏名(ふりがな)
② 性別
③ 年齢
④ 身長
⑤ 連絡先(電話番号、メールアドレス)
⑥ 顔写真、全身写真(プロフィール、写真、出演動画など参考資料があれば)
⑦ 最寄り駅

上記項目を記入の上、件名を【『God’s Will Hunting』両親役募集について】として、こちらのアドレス(までお送りください。





映画制作スピカ1895に所属。主に監督として活動し、前作『雨に濡れたい気持ち』がはままつ映画祭新人賞、Cinema Terminal Gate004 作品賞受賞した他、関西学生映画祭、NoLimit映画祭、AOYAMA Filmateに入選。現在F@nTVショートムービーグランプリにて公開中。

Thank you for watching this recruitment.
I’m Ryo Sakamoto, a 1st year graduate student of University of Tokyo. Now I am studying engineering. I belong to Filmmaking Spika 1895 and now I direct and produce the independent movie “God’s Will Hunting”. This time I’m looking for someone who will play the role of the main character’s(18 years old girl) parents appears in her dream.

・Title : “God’s Will Hunting”
・Director : Ryo Sakamoto
・The length of the moive : about 50 min.
・Date of shooting : Mar. 24th
・Location : Tokyo

Aki, the main character, sees the letter the day she has reached her 18th birthday. Aki finds out that she is a girl being raised to donate organs and will soon be sold by her parents, and escapes.

<Offer contents>
You don’t have to have any acting experiments. There is no dialogues, so you only need to speak either Japanese or English.
Non-Asian 40~50’s female.
Non-Asian 40~50’s male.

If there is more than one application, I would like to look through the application documents. The results of the selection will be sent by e-mail by Mar. 23rd, regardless of pass or fail.

<Application period>
By Mar. 22nd

<Application method>
① Name
② Sex
③ Age
④ Height
⑤ Contacts(tell number, mail address)
⑥ Photograph of face, full-length photo(profile, photos, movies and reference materials if you have)
⑦ Nearest station

Please fill in the above items and send this address( with the subject【『God’s Will Hunting』Recruitment foreign parents】.

If you have any questions, please ask to this address.

※In addition, I’m very sorry, but I will pay only for transportation this time. We are looking for those who can participate as collaborators. I appreciate your understanding.

※This film will be applied to the main film festival. I appreciate your understanding.

Thank you for reading this far. We look forward to your applications. Thank you.

<Profile of Director>
Ryo Sakamoto. Film director. Belong to Filmmaking Spika 1895. The directed movie 『雨に濡れたい気持ち』 won Hamamatsu Film Festival Newcomer Award and Cinema Terminal Gate004 Award, and selected for Kansai Students Film Festival, NoLimit Film Festival and AOYAMA Filmate. Now showing on F@nTV short movie contest.



担当者坂本 遼
お問い合わせ ※ご利用の端末に設定されたメールソフトが開きます。


[映画][スクール / ワークショップ]
大阪開催!「上質な演技を学んでみませんか?」演技ワークショップ! 3月28日(金)
投稿日:2025-02-23 13:00:33
シアターカフェ移転&リニューアルオープン5周年記念開放祭作品募集 5/10締切
投稿日:2025-02-23 12:24:45
[映画][キャスト / 役者募集]
投稿日:2025-02-23 12:11:22
[舞台][キャスト / 役者募集]
投稿日:2025-02-23 11:56:06
[舞台][キャスト / 役者募集]
投稿日:2025-02-23 11:55:10
[舞台][スクール / ワークショップ]
投稿日:2025-02-23 10:38:23
