CINEMA PLANNERS > キャスト / 役者募集 > タコのしてん, a japanese short film about communication.

タコのしてん, a japanese short film about communication.

投稿日時:2017/05/22 22:May:nd


THE SHORT FILM WILL BE IN JAPANESE (Script is in Japanese language).
The Crew is from Japan.
I dont speak japanese, therefore the following information in english. I am very sorry :)

We dive into the everyday life of Tako. Overcrowded suburban train‘s and countless people at railway stations from which you can only escape by focus your smartphone. Tako's job at the „QuickMart“ Convenience shop bores him. He prefers to spent countless moments at the magazine shelf to read. He spends the rest of the day with cold food on his home couch and at the living room window, from which he can look straight into the apartments of the neighboring house. Here lives Noriko. A woman Tako never met but believes he knows everything about. During his nightly observations Noriko becomes a phantasmic obsession. Dreams blurred with the reality until Noriko one day stands right in front of him.

The charakert Tako:
Katsumi (Tako-San, 23) is an intelligent but unpretentious
young man who commutes back and forth between work and
home. Most of his time he keeps himself in virtual parallel
worlds, whereby he can elude from reality. He is passive and
introverted – certainly his imagination is quite vivid.

The charakter Noriko:
Noriko is a young woman who is self-conscious, curious and has a soft spot for strange things. Because we know her through the eyes of Tako, Noriko‘s character has two sides. On the one hand, Tako‘s fantasy, in which she fulfill his imagination. On the other hand her real straight character which Tako not always

I am looking for a actress as Noriko.
- little english skills are nice but not essential
- between 20 and 27 years old.
- Production schedule is between 12.06 and 20.06. There are going to be around 5 shooting days.




掲載者Philip Treschan (exchange Student of MUSABI)
the crew is a team of japanese speaking students. I am the only foreigner who has to manage the lack of communication.

お問い合わせ ※ご利用の端末に設定されたメールソフトが開きます。


3/22 録音助手
投稿日:2025-03-15 07:11:46
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