
From Koenji to the world! May 4, 2024 "Sci-Fi Movie Selection World Mission"!
2024年5月4日、高円寺シアターバッカスにて、珠玉の日本インディーズSF映画6作品を一挙上映します。すべての映画は英語字幕付きです。関東在住の外国人SFファンのみなさま、ぜひお越しください。また、イベントチラシ(英語)を置いていただける店舗・スペース様を大募集しております。ご協力いただける場合、メールにてお知らせください。( reunion.mikadopro@gmail.com )
May 4, 2024, Six excellent indie sci-fi movies with English subtitles will be screened at once for "foreign Sci-Fi Movie fans living in Tokyo"!
(Powered by Mikado Production & Happy Monsters)
Program details and ticket reservations, visit special site
Click here for the special website for foreigners
●Ticket/入場料金 (税込/tax included)
Foreigner/外国人 ※Please be sure to bring your ID.
Student/学生 ※当日、学生証をご持参ください
ACCESS -"Koenji Theater Bacchus"
(5 minutes walk from JR Koenji Station. Go straight with your back to the north exit of the station.)
Google map
Event date/Screening program (May 4, 2024)
12:30 OPEN / 13:00 START / 17:30 CLOSE
"F I L A M E N T" (36min.)
Mission Director: Daiki Tanaka
Yusuke had a secret that he couldn't tell anyone. He could fly. Yusuke uses this power to begin his career as a hero, which has been his dream for a long time. However, what awaited him was a harsh reality that was completely different from his ideals.
"B L U E" (23min.)
Mission Director: Hiroki Wakamatsu
In the society where the people have been living underground for hundreds of years, a young artist has been working under a political leader to create propaganda posters to keep people staying underground. One day, he meets a girl who secretly raises a blue flower, which might be a sign that the surface is recovering. Fighting the fear of uncertainty, He embarks on a journey to see the sky with her.
何百年も人々が地下生活を続けてきた社会。若き芸術家は、政治指導者の下で人々を地下に留まらせるためのプロパガンダポスターの制作に取り組んでいた。 ある日彼は、地上が回復する兆しかもしれない「青い花」を密かに育てている女性と出会う。 不確実性への恐怖と闘いながら、彼は彼女とともに青空を見る旅に出る。
"Ryoko's Qubit Summer" (18min.)
Mission Director: Yuichi Kondo
In the experimental world of "Kanuma", AIs begin to speak in a language that humans cannot understand. The frightened developers try to delete "Kanuma", but...
Mission Director: Young-H. Lee
In the violent underworld of a future Asian city, a group of cyborg criminals abduct women to sell into sex slavery. When they abduct Grace, the girlfriend of an assassin, he seeks out the help of a black clinic doctor who convinces him that there’s only one way to save her: become a cyborg himself.
近未来アジアの暴力的な裏社会。サイボーグ犯罪者のグループが性奴隷として売るために女性達を誘拐する。 ガールフレンドのグレースが誘拐された時、彼は闇の診療所の医師に助けを求めた。そして医師は、彼女を救う唯一の方法は彼自身がサイボーグになることだと説得する…。
"HARAN BANJYO -Full of ups and downs-" (12min.)
Mission Director: Takeo Nagura
One day, MASAHIRO HUKE, who was living a normal life, is abducted by "Leon" and the android "Ponette" who came from outer space. Despite his confusion, his life is about to change drastically...
ごく普通の生活を送っていた MASAHIRO HUKE は、ある日、宇宙からやってきた"leon"とアンドロイドの"Ponet"に拉致される。困惑する彼をよそに、彼の人生は大きく変わろうとしていた…。
"REUNION:02 -GENESIS-" (60min.)
Mission Director: Jun Kitamikado
A sci-fi human drama set in a bar in another dimension, featuring sad humans, cyborgs, and robots.
The main MC is Josh Surface, who loves science fiction movies and is also a big Star Wars fan! And Mr.Chameleole! And more surprise guests will be there!?
メインMCはSF大好き、大のスターウォーズファンでもある Josh Surface!そして職業怪人カメレオール!そして女優でありSF映画作品翻訳も手掛ける桐生あすか!
掲載者 | 三門プロダクション |
担当者 | 北御門潤 |
住所 | 千葉県我孫子市白山1-6-9-201 |
お問い合せ先 | reunion.mikadopro@gmail.com |
関連URL | https://worldmission2024.peatix.com/ |
その他情報 |