世界のインディーズ映画上映会「ボンダンス短編映画セレクション2023」を 1/22(日)に開催します!

■日時:2023年1月22日(日)14:30 ~ 17:30(開場14:10)
□チケット販売:Peatix - こちらをクリック
At the requests from filmmakers in Japan and abroad for a full-fledged international-style indie film festival to be held in Japan, "BonDance International Film Festival" was launched in September 2020, during a break in the Corona season. The festival was temporarily postponed due to the Corona epidemic, but in September 2022, after a one-year gap, the festival resumed in Ureshino City, Saga Prefecture, with many films submitted from 45 countries and all continents, including Japan, and closed with great success.
In response to requests from various film festival participants, we are pleased to announce the Tokyo screening of 12 films from the Official Selection of "BonDance International Film Festival 2022", as follows, in order to contribute to the promotion of filmmakers around the world.
If you are interested in indie films from around the world, we hope you will take this opportunity to attend the screening!
■ Date: Sunday, January 22, 2023, 14:30 ~ 17:30 (doors open at 14:10)
■ Venue: Cinema House Otsuka (4-7-4-101 Sugamo, Toshima-ku, Tokyo)
■ Organizer: BonDance International Film Festival Executive Committee
■ Operated by: Tokyo Production (KOGOSHA Inc.)
■ Supported by:Global Entertainment Beauty Association
■ Films: Click here to download the program (12 films from the Official Selection of BonDance International Film Festival 2022)
■ Category:Short Films (Live Action Drama, Animation, etc.)
□ Ticket:1200 yen
□ Ticket sales:Peatix - Click here
○ After the screening, we will have a casual drink nearby.
掲載者 | KOGOSHA Inc. |
担当者 | 平井 茂 |
住所 | 東京都世田谷区桜丘5−32 |
お問い合せ先 | |
関連URL | |
その他情報 | チケット: |