
そこでハンブルグ演技学校(Schule fuer Schauspiel Hamburg)マイケルチェーホフヨーロッパトレーニング(Michael Chekhov Europe Training)の芸術監督、マイケルチェーホフ東京の名誉芸術監督のウルリッヒマイヤーホーシュ氏(以下ウリ)に「共感」をテーマにトークをしていただくようにお願いしました。ウリはアントンレイ教授と共に2022年に“The Actor is the Theatre”を出版しました。この本は1942年にアメリカと日本が第二次世界大戦に突入した2週間後に、チェーホフが行った講演集です。ウリはその序文に「共感」について書きました。今回ウリには共感と世界中で起こる争いや危機についての見識を話していただきます。
Michael Chekhov’s idea of characterization is that you are different from a character you will perform. You cannot say that you have the same experience as the character. Their being is bigger than you anyhow. You have to stand on the other shoes and immerse yourself with them with your intellectual mind shut up.
What makes it possible is based on the strong belief that actors all have empathy to imagine the other’s feelings and thoughts. Without empathy and compassion, you are limited to only your own ego.
In the last few years, we all witnessed how inhuman people including theatre makers can be in Japan and all over the world so easily. The issues are disclosed as the violence, the war, bullying, and harassment. I myself started to doubt the job of acting and teaching it. Suddenly, people including me show the statement and make rules just like walls or barriers excluding them from the issues. I think it won’t solve anything at all without looking at the fundamental power of empathy.
I asked Ulrich Meyer-Horsch, the artistic director of the Schule fuer Schauspiel Hamburg and of Michael Chekhov Europe Training, to give a talk on this theme. Together with Prof. Anton Rey, Uli has published a book whose title is “The Actor is the Theatre”. It offers a series of lectures given by Michael Chekhov in the year 1942, some weeks after the United States and Japan went into the Pacific War (World War II). Like today, the world stood on the brink, and actors had to rethink their art. Uli wrote the introduction which inspires me so much on this theme. He gives great insight about acting and imagination in times of worldwide conflict and crisis.
ウルリッヒマイヤーホーシュ/ Ulrich Meyer-Horsch
ウルリッヒ・マイヤー‐ホーシュは、ドイツの名門ハンブルグ演劇学校の芸術監督であり、マイケル・チェーホフヨーロッパ(MCE)のマスター講師、チューリッヒ芸術大学(スイス)やイスタンブールのイェディテペ大学(トルコ)で客員講師を務め、ニューヨークの国際マイケル チェーホフ協会(MICHA)の教授会員である。世界各国で教え、近年では台湾やシンガポール、2017年より日本でも教えている。
▼対象者/To whom
Anyone can participate in this talk. The talk is given in English.
▼日時/Time & Date
3月12日19:00-21:00 日本時間(11:00-13:00 CET)
7p.m.-9p.m. JST on March 12th
※10分前よりミーティングルームを開きます The space is open 10 minutes before the talk starts.
※遅刻厳禁 You cannot be late for this talk.
Zoom will be used
▼料金/ Fee
No charge
▼申し込み方法/ How to apply for the talk
掲載者 | マイケルチェーホフ東京 |
担当者 | 秋江智文 |
お問い合せ先 | michael_chekhov_tokyo@yahoo.co.jp |
関連URL | https://www.michael-chekhov-tokyo.com/ |
その他情報 |