弊社Hema Films代表のHemant Singh(ヘマント・シン)は、インド人のクリエイターです。
■Hema Films代表・Hemant Singh(ヘマント・シン)について
インド出身。リアリティー番組に出場し優勝したことをきっかけに俳優を目指すことに。そこから、映画制作の世界へ。2013年、映画トレーラー制作会社で働きはじめ、その後、世界的に有名な制作会社・Prime Focusに入社。
2023年に映画制作会社・Hema Filmsを立上げ。2024年に長編映画「復讐のワサビ」を製作し、初の映画事業にも関わらず、全国規模の劇場公開を達成。
**Title: Elevate Your Indie Film to the "Another Level"! Collaborate with an Indian Creator【Experienced in Indie Feature Film Production】**
Our company, Hema Films, is led by Hemant Singh, an Indian creator.
From small-scale corporate PR videos to international tourism and sports events like the Olympics and Rugby World Cup, Hemant has been involved in various projects as a video producer. In 2024, he produced the indie feature film "Fukushu no Wasabi( English title: Wasabi not a fairy tale)" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhkAB7V1Udk) and successfully achieved a theatrical release.
During the production process, Hemant met many indie creators with great ideas who struggled to fully commit to film production due to a lack of resources or skills, such as not having a good cameraman or thinking they had to handle editing themselves.
Hemant wrote, directed, and edited "Fukushu no Wasabi" gaining a comprehensive understanding of all stages of film production. With a background as an editor at a production company in India, a country known for its film industry, he also understands post-production well.
If you have a passionate desire to produce an indie film with a commitment to quality, please feel free to consult with us. We are open to discussing how we can support you and collaborate on your project.
**About Hemant Singh, Representative of Hema Films:**
Hemant Singh is originally from India. He aimed to become an actor after winning a reality show, which led him to the world of film production. In 2013, he started working at a movie trailer production company and later joined the globally renowned production company Prime Focus. In 2016, he moved to Tokyo, Japan, and worked in various roles. Before becoming independent, he was a member of a media consulting company, working with Nissan Motor Corporation. He became a freelance video creator in 2018 and established Hema Films in 2023. In 2024, he produced the feature film "Fukushu no Wasabi( English title: Wasabi not a fairy tale)" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhkAB7V1Udk), achieving nationwide theatrical release despite being his first film project. Hemant Singh continues to work as a representative of a film and video production company with experience in feature film production, despite its small scale.
掲載者 | Hema Films合同会社代表 ヘマント・シン |
担当者 | 松本悠香 |
お問い合せ先 | info@hemafilms.com |
関連URL | https://hemafilms.com/ |
その他情報 | 製作映画「復讐のワサビ」公開中 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhkAB7V1Udk |